AI, Uncomplicated.

Meet Trase, a single platform to manage your company’s enterprise AI tools.

Built for Business Leaders in Enterprise Healthcare

As a Business Leader tasked with evaluating AI solutions to create ROI and reduce OpEx, you are balancing enormous challenges:

You lack the time or resources to effectively build or integrate third-party AI tools.

You and your staff are burdened with a complex, legacy tech stack that has hundreds of point solutions.

It is not clear which of your AI tools are helping you to meet your objectives. 

We Are Trase

An Orchestration Layer for All Your AI Solutions

With our modular workflow engine driven by AI agents, our team can help you resolve your challenges by rapidly developing or integrating efficient solutions to improve your company’s processes for:

Member Management

Operations Management

Contractor Management

Information Technology

and More...

Build Less, Do More

Our technology is designed to transform your day-to-day, saving you time and energy with features that streamline new and existing business processes:

AI Governance & Orchestration

Real-time Alerts

Rich Dashboards with Insightful Analytics

Seamless Integrations

Custom Workflows with a No-Code Editor

Our Core Capabilities

World-Class Governance and Security

ROI and Performance Metrics At Your Fingertips

Rapid Deployment of Workflow Automations

Modular Platform for Seamless Integrations

Introspection for Every Aspect of AI Deployment, Courtesy of Agent Co-Pilot

Need a Bespoke

Our AI Agents enable custom workflows to rapidly develop and deploy the automations you need. With a dynamic, user-friendly interface, our platform was purpose-built to easily integrate within your company’s existing operations.

Schedule a Demo Today

Take control of your tech stack and unlock new levels of efficiency and oversight with Trase. 

Who We Are

We are a world-class team of domain experts at the intersection of healthcare and emerging technologies.

Co-Founder & CEO

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